The best-selling co-author of Acid Dream traces the dramatic social history of marijuana from its origins and its emergence in the 1960s culture wars through the 1996 legalization of medicinal marijuana in California, profiling the multibillion-dollar marijuana industry and how it is reshaping health care. 35,000 first printing.
A bittersweet comedy about two young Native-Americans, Victor and Thomas, who leave their small town for an adventure in self-discovery.
Prats, Armando José, 6 Pratt, Mary Louise, 28 Presley, Elvis, 9 Proudstar, Jon, 144 Quileute tribe, xxiii Quinn, Anthony, 55 racial contract, 82, 116 Rader, Dean, 42, 44, 88 Radiance, 20 Rae, Heather, 18, 199n41 Raheja, Michelle, xxix, ...
Naiden redresses the omission of these salient features to show that animal sacrifice is an attempt to make contact with a divine being, and that it is so important for the worshippers that it becomes subject to regulations of unequaled ...
The history and current state of tobacco from its Native origins in South America's Andes through its checkered history in North America as a "miracle" drug, powerful narcotic, friend of government revenue departments, and law-enforcement ...
This is a chronicle of life, seasons, heartbreak, and healing.
"A Baker's Year takes readers month-by-month through the seasons at Smoke Signals for porridge and waffles in winter, crusty bread in spring, pies and pizza in the summer, and celebration cakes for end-of-the-year holidays"
Eatough, D.J., Benner, C.L., Tang, H., Landon, V., Richards, G., Caka, F.M., Crawford, J., Lewis, E.A., Hansen, L.D., Eatough, N.L., 1989. The chemical composition of environmental tobacco smoke III. Identification of conservative ...
This collection is an essential guide to the landscape of many key debates in contemporary public health.
From illegally entering a closed area in rural China with a pack full of pot to paddling across a crocodile-infested lake in a leaky Zodiac in the Dominican Republic to crash landing in a hot-air balloon in the most-redneck part of ...
Barbara Bennett offers not only a dramatic retelling of this historic case in Smoke Signals from Samarcand, but also reveals a case study of the misguided social engineering schemes—fraught with racism, classism, and sexual ...