Millions of readers worldwide have treasured the visionary brilliance of Carlos Castaneda, who first explore the world of the Yaqui Indian sorcerer in The Teachings of don Juan. Now, at last, don Juan returns in The Power of Silence -- wise, infuriating, capable or working miracles and playing practical jokes, but always seeking the wisdom of the warrior. The Power of Silence is Castaneda's most astonishing book to date -- a brilliant flash of knowledge that illuminates the far reaches of the human mind. Through don Juan's mesmerizing stories, the true meaning of sorcery and magic is finally revealed. Honed in the desert of Sonora, the visions of don Juan give us the vital secrets of belief and self-realization that are transcendental and valid for us all. It is Castaneda's unique genius to show us that all wisdom, strength, and power lie within ourselves -- unleashed with marvelous energy and imaginative force in the teachings of don Juan -- and in the writings of his famous pupil, Carlos Castaneda
In a time when technology penetrates our lives in so many ways and materialism exerts such a powerful influence over us, Cardinal Robert Sarah presents a bold book about the strength of silence.
A silent moment is time for tranquility and reflection--something beyond ourselves. The value of welcoming quiet has become a great gap in modern human awareness, and this book seeks to restore our belief in the power of silence.
In 1959, Edward Hall's The Silent Language appeared. He paid close attention to the way in which culture influences behaviour, regarding culture itself as a form of communication that encompasses but transcends the merely verbal.
This book provides a theoretical account of a variety of different communicative aspects of silence and explores new ways of studying socially-motivated language.
In the Sphere of Silence
Informative and timely, this book will be received with interest by researchers, practitioners, and students in a wide range of psychological disciplines.
To hear the call of beauty and respond to it, we need silence. Silence shows us how to find and maintain our equanimity amid the barrage of noise. Thich Nhat Hanh guides us on a path to cultivate calm even in the most chaotic places.
This is rather a handbook that invites an intense pursuit of meditation with regularity and discipline.
If you have long been interested in meditation, but never thought you had the patience or presence of mind to succeed in your practice, this book is for you.
In the modern world, we are assaulted on all sides by noise; but silence can change your life and this book explains why and how.