One of America's most thoughtful and provocative strategists exposes the economic and cultural assumptions that have driven the U.S. to the brink of social and financial collapse. Edward Luttwak reveals a forceful new policy that can reverse America's decline.
The Endangered American Dream: Land Lock-- the Cancer That's Killing America-- and how to Stop It!
The endangered middle class : is the American dream slipping out of reach for American families? : hearing of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session .
The endangered middle class : is the American dream slipping out of reach for American families? : hearing of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session .
Toward ninethirty, the dispersed strikers were regrouping on Bryant Street near Rincon Hill, a fourstory knoll just off the Embarcadero bounded by Bryant, Beale, Folsom, and First. Now ensued the sine qua non of the unfolding scenario ...
A critical assessment of America's current economic prospects cites such factors as a shift away from manufacture, a failing education system and the outsourcing of jobs to foreign countries, arguing that today's children will be facing a ...
Can each of us achieve our own "American dream" while recognizing needs of other individuals, society, and future generations? Not if our present national policies continue, warns long term planning...
And no one has done more to capture this epic story than Kevin Starr, in his acclaimed series of gripping social and cultural histories.
The story of how the American middle class has been systematically impoverished and its prospects thwarted in favor of a new ruling elite is at the heart of this extraordinarily timely and revealing book, whose devastating findings from two ...
Reclaiming the American Dream
A scathing indictment of America's failure to keep up with other advanced nations and to achieve its own most cherished goals. The chapters of the book focus on: the media,...