The Sacred Promise offers scientific proof of Spirit’s existence—be it the deceased, angels, or spirit guides—and shows Spirit’s willingness and promise to offer guidance and help with the challenges of day-to-day living. Sacred Promise brings us into the laboratory of scientist Dr. Gary Schwartz, where he establishes the existence of Spirit by its own Willful Intent—a proof of concept for deceased spirits. The author takes readers on a personal journey into the world of angels and spirits and reveals their existence and desire to help. Dr. Schwartz candidly discusses the challenges as well as the rewards of connecting with Spirit. He poses several important questions. What if our feelings of emptiness, loneliness, hopelessness, and meaninglessness are actually fostered by our belief in a “spiritless” Universe? What if our physical hunger is symptomatic of a greater spiritual hunger? What if Spirit is actually all around us, ready to fill us with energy, hope, and direction, if we are ready to ingest it? What if Spirit is like air and water, readily available for us to draw within; that is, if we choose to seek it? Sacred Promise shows how we can attune ourselves and receive this guidance from Spirit, which is all scientifically documented by Dr. Schwartz experiments and research. Prepare to suspend your beliefs about Spirit.
Our vulnerability leaves ussusceptible to man's judgment yet opens our hearts to God's Grace.In 2009 John made a sacred promise to bear witness to God's grace, glorifying Him by sharing this story.
Possessing the clearest conscious awareness, I poured into this book earnest revelations of the many evolving trials and tribulations that my boundless soul has triumphantly endured.
Sacred Promise
A powerful anthology of women's stories compiled by Dr. Tererai Trent.
Quoted in Phil Kilroy, “Sophie Barat's Integration of Inner Life and Spiritual Leadership of the Society,” accessed December 27, 2019, http:// 3. Quoted in Larkin, Enthronement of the Sacred Heart, 14. 4.
Best-Selling author Timothy Ballard argues that this lost knowledge is the key to not only unlocking the mysteries of the Civil War, but to restoring and healing America today.
Sacred Promise: Fleches D'amour
Bank Summa: The "sacred Promise" Shadow Play (or the Story of a Father and His Family)
... of the most respected Evangelical figures of his era, was also one of the most prominent speakers on the anti-Catholic circuit. On August 10, 1834, Beecher gave a series of sermons in Boston churches, claiming that 38 SACRED GROUND.
One Destiny Two Hearts: Soul Partners Reunite to Fulfill Their Pre-Life Promise