“Hitlerland is a bit of a guilty pleasure. Reading about the Nazis is not supposed to be fun, but Nagorski manages to make it so. Readers new to this story will find it fascinating” (The Washington Post). Hitler’s rise to power, Germany’s march to the abyss, as seen through the eyes of Americans—diplomats, military officers, journalists, expats, visiting authors, Olympic athletes—who watched horrified and up close. “Engaging if chilling…a broader look at Americans who had a ringside seat to Hitler’s rise” (USA TODAY), Hitlerland offers a gripping narrative full of surprising twists—and a startlingly fresh perspective on this heavily dissected era.
New York: Rawson, Wade, 1981. Hessen, Robert, ed. Berlin Alert: The Memoirs and Reports of Truman Smith. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1984. Hitler, Adolf. Mein Kampf. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1971. Hoess, Rudolf.
“I suppose you want to know in this way if my thoughts and habits are normal,” he told Gilbert on another occasion. He then provided his own answer: “I am entirely normal. Even while I was doing this extermination work, I led a normal ...
From that discovery unspooled the twisting, captivating tale of four of the remarkable people who had called this palace home.
... summit at sea of Churchill and Rostovtsev, F. Royal Air Force (RAF) Rubinin, Yevgeny Rugan (factory personnel director) Russia, tsarist Russian Civil War Russian Liberation Movement Russian Orthodox Church Russo-Polish War Rychagov, ...
Inge Marssolek and Adelheid von Saldern, “Das Radio als historisches und historiographisches Medium,” in Zuhören und Gehörtwerden I. Radio im Nationalsozialismus, eds. Marssolek and von Saldern (Tübingen, 1998), 33; Uta C. Schmidt, ...
The time is 1933, the place, Berlin, when William E. Dodd becomes America's first ambassador to Hitler's Germany.
Now, in The Eternal Nazi, Nicholas Kulish and Souad Mekhennet reveal for the first time how Aribert Heim evaded capture--living in a working-class neighborhood of Cairo, praying in Arabic, beloved by an adopted Muslim family--while ...
It means a terrible finish for the allies.” David McKean's Watching Darkness Fall will recount the rise of the Third Reich in Germany and the road to war from the perspective of four American diplomats in Europe who witnessed it firsthand ...
The firebrand conservative columnist and best-selling author of In Defense of Internment shares lesser-known stories about inventors who have shaped American technological progress through the innovation of everyday objects, from bottle ...