ASK NOT WHAT THE BUTLER DID, BUT WHAT HE CAN DO FOR YOU We all know the clich from the movies and board games about the butler doing it, but what was it the butler did? In the hotel environment, the butler can be a failed experiment or a service facility that commands high-rack rates and keeps occupancy rates at 100%. Where the butler fails in hotels, it is because he is cast in (frankly) degrading-to-the-profession roles such as "bath butler," "fireplace butler, "technology butler," "baby butler" (who provides rocking chairs and watches children), "dog butler," "ski butler," and "beach butler." The idea being that anything offering superior service in some small area is called a "butler" in an effort to siphon some of the prestige of the profession. At least when the term valet was extended to "dumb valet," that furniture item upon which one lays out clothing for the following day, there was no pretense that this was the real item. Fortunately for the profession, the public were not fooled or taken in by these "dumb butlers" and the practice has faded relatively rapidly-before it could sour the public mind on the concept of butlers in hotels. Fortunately also for the butlers working in top hotels around the world, who do justice to the profession, and the hotel managements who have recognized the value butlers bring to the bottom line and the repute of their establishments. In an industry that is completely premised on the idea of service, and in which service is a key differentiator, it's a no-brainer to institute butler service. Butlers have always represented the pinnacle in service quality. This book will go a long way toward bringing about and keeping on track a butler program. When used in conjunction with standard on-site training, it will cement in place a very successful butler service that will - Allow rack rates to be raised - Create a loyal following of repeat visitors - Enhance word of mouth - Increase new business - Raise service standards throughout the facility. All of which make the investment very sound. If you would like to become a butler in a hospitality setting, or think your hotel, spa, resort or private villa could benefit from an honest-to-goodness butler program, read this book.