An illuminating account of two interconnected social movements from their grassroots origins in the 1970s to the 1996 Green presidential campaign.
Yet the first of these is open to charges of human exceptionalism, while the second, according to its critics, lacks effective political traction.
This volume examines the reasons why some despair at the prospects for an ecological form of democracy, and challenges the recent ‘deliberative turn’ in environmental political thought.
Munich Dierkes, M., Edwards, S. and Coppock, R. (eds) 1980: Technological Risk: Its Perception and Handling in the European Community. Königstein Dietz-Will, A. 1982: Fallstudie zum Konflikt zwischen Ökonomie und Umwelt'.
Jon Barnett takes on the military-industrial interests of those in the establishment to reveal how ordinary human beings must have a safe environment in which security is subordinate to care of the planet and its delicate ecosystems.
Arguing that ecological thinking can animate an epistemology capable of addressing feminist, multicultural, and other post-colonial concerns, this book critiques the instrumental rationality, hyperbolized autonomy, abstract individualism, ...
On the one hand, in the name of grassroots democracy, we do not really accept any authoritative decision level. ... In a nutshell, ecology party activists experience all the frustrations of collective decision making Hirschman ...
As Stephen Cohen writes in War with Russia?, it was actually a matter of “Intelgate over Russiagate,” a scandal more directly involving the Washington intelligence apparatus than Putin's Russia.28 These operators were perfectly willing ...
Examines the range of environmental campaigns that are occurring across the planet.
Jeremy J. Shapiro and Shierry M. Weber. Boston: Beacon Press. – 1972a. An Essay on Liberation. ... 'Two questions for theory and practice: Can you be Marxist and Green? Can Marxism be Green?' Rethinking Marxism 7, no. 3 (Fall): 128–36.
Several women explained that they were raised to believe that activism was an important way to contribute to their ... For women living in poverty or in abusive relationships, “survival” was identified as a source of motivation ...