My father got us both , Nino my brother and I , in . The old man belonged to the juego where Nino became a member , to Kerewa . Kerewá was or is the name of that juego . A juego is a potencia , a group that is called juego de ndnigos or ...
This groundbreaking collection addresses the gap in the research with contributions from a cross-section of prestigious musicians, scholars, and priests from Nigeria, the Americas, and Europe who have dedicated themselves to studying ...
Rising science fiction and fantasy star P. Djèlí Clark brings an alternate New Orleans of orisha, airships, and adventure to life in his immersive debut novella The Black God's Drums.
(Book). To mark the 30th-anniversary of the world's best-loved drum magazine, Modern Drummer , here is the first book to tell the complete tale of the modern drumset masters.
Strathern, citing Stoller (1989b), notes further: ... among the Songhay [in Niger, West Africa] certain sounds, the cry of the monochord violin and the clack-a-roll of the drum, for example, carry a determinate power because these are ...
- Taken from "The Gods of Pegana" written by Lord Dunsany
Mickey Hart, percussionist for the Grateful Dead, tells the compelling tale of his quest to unlock the power, myths, and legends of percussion.
Blackwell is bestknown for his landmark work with avant - garde saxophonist Ornette Coleman , whom he met in New Orleans in 1949. After the drummer moved to California in '51 , the two renewed their association and began performing ...
The book closes with a section on creating drumming magic all your own, with meditations, prayers, and divinations to create overall wellbeing and spiritual awareness with drums.
The images reproduced in this volume are taken from prints pulled from the original woodblocks or first-generation electrotypes.
The book studies the evolution of the ancient drum mṛdaṅga into the pakhāvaj, crossing more than 2,000 years of history.