Just mentioning "the teenage years" can send shivers up a parent's spine, but the difficulties others have had with communication, behavior, schooling, and launching their teen into adulthood need not affect your family. With Parenting Teens, Dr. Clifford L. Johnson, a twenty-year veteran of the educational system, including ten years as a school counselor, presents ten succinct tips for helping your teen succeed. Dr. Johnson has designed this compact guide to be read and then reread so that you can easily internalize the material. Readings will guide you on how to acquire good communication skills, establish positive study habits, direct you in finding a mentor for your teen, and locating summer programs, in addition to preparing your teen for college entrance exams. After counseling thousands of parents and teens, Dr. Johnson has distilled the key strategies you need to help your teen navigate social, academic, and family issues. Use this book as a starting place for informative discussions with your teen about getting and staying on track. In Parenting Teens: Ten Secrets to Making Your Teenager More Successful in High School and Beyond you will find that each chapter presents ideas to discuss and provides suggestions on how to give your teenager the edge that's essential in today's competitive environment.
"El riesgo suicida en adolescentes es una problemática de diferentes aristas que se manifiesta en ideación, intento, gestos suicidas, entre otros comportamientos encubiertos y explícitos.
Say something like : The Bible gives us several assurances about our salvation . Distribute copies of " Split Assurances " ( Student Sheet 12 - A ) and pencils to each pair . Instruct the pairs to match the beginning of each Scripture ...
Concentrates on child developmental psychology highlighting differences that are linked to gender, ethnic background, historical era and socioeconomic conditions.
Offers tips and tools for the middle school years on topics including getting comfortable in school, getting along with others, and dealing with physical changes.
... Adolescents, and Adults with Disabilities and other Exceptional Individuals (3rd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Rush, B. (1812). Medical Inquiries and Observations upon Diseases of the Mind. Philadelphia: Kimber & Richardson.
Que doit faire un parent lorsque son enfant décide que la vie est tellement pénible qu'elle ne vaut plus la peine d'être vécue?
It's Not Fair!: Through Grief to Healing
Informations brèves, conseils pratiques présentés de façon simple et avec clarté.
The Kell-Hoeflin Incomplete Sentence Blank: Youth-parent Relations [by] Ruth Hoeflin and Leone Kell
Quizzes, stories, surveys, and activities for middle schoolers addressing such issues as physical and emotional changes, connecting with friends and family, setting goals, and handling peer pressure.