Fear of any kind is the number-one enemy of all golfers, regardless of ball-striking and shot making capabilities. Jack Nicklaus Golf is supposed to be fun! But many people who play dont see it that way. Many golfers, after having spent countless dollars and hours on the sport, find them selves having too many negative thoughts, limited beliefs, and other foolish self-sabotaging behaviors. Is there any hope to this kind of madness? I get so nervous and scared? I end up choking and throwing up all over myself? I cant seem to control my demons? I get angry and often beat myself up? Sometimes I cant even hit the broadside of a barn? I never seem to get any better? Let renowned mental golf coach Rand Marquardt show you how he went from a frustrated, misaligned ten-handicap golfer to a more confident, connected one-handicap golfer in just one summerand how you can do it too! Dont spend another day being angry, afraid, or frustrated again. Instead, learn to play golf more often in The Zone and how to harness and expand your inner wisdom by going with the flow along THE FAIRWAY OF LIFE.
JUST FOR YOU CLEAN SPIRIT! A Premium 120 pages Lined Notebook With Unique Cover ! A Beautiful gift for Christmas, Mother's Day, Birthdays or anytime! Or why not ? a special notebook just for you, because .
Reading Life in the Fairway can be a life-changing event for all who participate in the game. The full-color book is an excellent gift for any golfer, sports enthusiast, leader, or men’s Bible study group.
From Fairway Market's master buyer and author of the hugely successful Cheese Primer comes a celebration of the store's extravagant food collection and the stories surrounding its culture.
This book includes words that will help you improve your stance, perfect your swing, and have a satisfying round on A Fairway To Walk.
The twenty-five-year-old championship golfer presents both an autobiography and a golf instructional, written three years before completion of the Grand Slam in 1930.
That7 s why it7 s tougher and tougher for even the best pro golfers to keep their ball on the fairway. The same is true in the life of the Christian. Our goal is to stay on the narrow road that Jesus talks about in Matthew 7: 14-.
Before eating , as we drank cold cans of Foster's beer — which Martin refers to as the bad habit he needs to balance out all of his discipline — he showed me the office where he's begun the preliminary work on a book about his theories ...
With disarming honesty and wit, a stage IV cancer survivor weaves his love of golf with his battle with cancer. The result is a birdie-fest of wisdom and inspiration for confronting life's challenges.
These treasured golf companions in my family are: great nephew RJ and his parents, Colleen and Rob Galacz; Gerri and Joe Navarre; Jeanne Murphy; greatniece Kayleigh Schneider; Jenny Murphy; Bernard Ederer; and David Ederer.
In A Look at Life from the Fairway, bestselling author and outdoor enthusiast Steve Chapman is here to help golfers everywhere notice the parallels between golfing and walking with Christ.