Resistance is Your Prime Directive Have you ever experienced a sensation of missing time? Have you ever found a metallic implant somewhere in your body? It's likely that you're a victim of alien abduction, and you don't even know it. Aliens are among us. While the true intentions of these mysterious intruders from outer space are unknown, there's no doubt that their actions are nefarious. It's your right - your civic responsibility - to learn the skills necessary to protect yourself, your loved ones and ultimately your planet. Aliens want to whisk you away in the night to perform terrifying experiments on you. Isn't it time you learn how use your MP3 player to defend yourself from their paralyzing powers? Shouldn't you know how to evade the pursuit of a flying saucer? Wouldn't you sleep better at night knowing some proven hand-to-hand combat techniques guaranteed to stop your extraterrestrial foe in its tracks? Make no mistake - our world is under attack and this handbook may be the only thing standing between the human race and total annihilation. Read it and join the resistance.
Accompanied by illustrations, maps, diagrams and step-by-step instructions, this resistance manual will be essential reading for those interested in protecting the planet from alien invaders.
Accompanied by illustrations, maps, diagrams and step-by-step instructions, this manual will be essential reading for those interested in protecting themselves, their families and society at large from the living dead.
With this guide by your side, you and your family will learn how to plan, purchase, and store a three-month supply of all the necessities—food, water, fuel, first-aid supplies, clothing, bedding, and more—simply and economically.
So as you stockpile your bottles of water, dig out your bunker, and finesse your plan for a brand new government, keep this book in hand. You won't be sorry.
For the world's recon- stitution, see is 65:17, 66:22 (see also Zech 14); 2 Pet 3:5–13; Rev 21;1 En. 45:4–5, 91:16; 2 Bar. 32:7, 44; 2 Clem. 11; Herm. 3.4; euseb. Hist. Eccl. 5.16.18–19 (on the Montanists' new Jerusalem). see also D.
Add the garlic and ginger, then cook, stir- ring frequently, until it is nicely browned and crispy—do not brown over excessively high heat; rather, brown the garlic and ginger gently for about 5 minutes. Remove the ginger and garlic ...
On a class trip to Yellowstone National Park, the reader's choices determine if survival is possible after a massive volcano erupts.
Apocalypse: The Coming Judgement of the Nations
The other possibility would be an alien invasion bent on conquering the planet. We would fight, there is no question about that. The question is: Would we win? This marks the end of the scenarios. With any luck, you will not have to use ...
For fans of Ender’s Game, Red Rising, and The Hunger Games comes an explosive, epic science fiction debut.