From auditions and rehearsals to publicity, this guide leads even inexperienced directors, producers, choreographers and actors through the complicated and sometimes fearsome task of staking Shakespeare. Comprehensive information is presented in a browsable format including historical background of the Elizabeth period, descriptions of major plays, a glossary of terms, suggestions for modern interpretations, step-by-step instruction for choreographing fight scenes, and a full treatment of Romeo & Juliet
The book explains the conditions under which the early playwrights and players worked, their preparation of the plays for the stage, and their rehearsal practices.
Lavishly illustrated, Enter the Whole Army reconstructs the original staging of scenes from Shakespeare.
... Stephen 7 Pollard, Thomas 125, 127 Poor Man's Comfort, The 295 Pope, Thomas 49, 50, 52, 54,61, 63 population of London 13, 260 Porter, Endymion 96 Porter, Henry 297 Porter's Hall playhouse 145, 149, 200, 228 Prince Charles's Men 74, ...
Staging of Plays Before Shakespeare
... 228 Sharpe , Lewis , 240 Sharpe , Richard , 105 Sharpman , Edward , 235 , 236 Shaw , Robert , 42 , 43 , 44 Shepherd's Holiday , The , 241 Sherlock , William , 62 , 63 Shirley , James , 20 , 21 , 22 , 62 , 77 , 157 , 178 , 218-19 ...
This book begins with a phone call.
Johnson , F. R. , Astronomical Thought in Renaissance England . Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press , 1937 . Johnson , Lemuel A. , Shakespeare in Africa ( and Other Venues ) : Import and the Appropriation of Culture .
An absorbing and original addition to Shakespeareana, this handbook of production is for all lovers of Shakespeare whether producer, player, scholar or spectator.
An absorbing and original addition to Shakespeareana, this handbook of production is for all lovers of Shakespeare whether producer, player, scholar or spectator.
... Drama in England, 18 (2005), 104-22 Thomas Heywood 's Theatre, 1599—1639: Locations, Translations, and Conflict (Farnham: Ashgate, 2010) Schanzer, Ernest (ed.), The VVinter's Tale (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969) Schlueter, June, and ...