Carlos Aguilar, possesses an inborn sense of duty unending devotion to his father and an unstoppable yearning for freedom. The son of a German Luftwaffe pilot, escapes from Germany at the height of WWII, he arrives in Cuba, where he matures into a man. After the revolution triumphs Carlos becomes a pilot in the newly reformed Cuban air force. When Captain Aguilar becomes disillusioned with Castro's communist leanings, he realizes that he is unable to change the system from the inside; Aguilar defects to the United States. After interrogation by security, Aguilar is granted political asylum. He takes part in the invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. After, Carlos returns to the United States. At this time in his life, he falls in love; filling Carlos' soul with the love he has always longed for. Aguilar becomes a prime target of the Cuban government as a result of Castro's humiliation, stemming from Aguilar's defection to America; the Cuban dictatorship orders his assassination.