Cruising is one of the most popular, convenient, and affordable vacation options offered in the travel industry and is becoming the last bastion for magicians to perform their full shows. With more cruise ships sailing to more incredible cruise destinations all over the world than ever before, there has truly never been a better time to get a job as a magician on cruise ships.Learn how to go about working in the cruise industry from getting the gigs, booking contacts, types of contracts, life on a ship, what to do and what is expected from you, plus some incredible magic routines from Paul's own shows as well as stories from some well known cruise ship entertainers.A bonus chapter includes excerpts from Paul's private journal and reveals some amazing insights in to life as a cruise ship magician.If you have ever thought about working on ships, then this is a must, and will become the modern standard book for magicians wanting to work on ships!
Cruise ships visit ports around the world. And the ships themselves are amenity-filled, moving resorts. But when did it all begin? This book looks at the evolution of cruising, from the mid-nineteenth century.
"Overviews of today's best cruise ships to Europe, the Caribbean, Hawaii, New England, and Alaska -- Descriptions of a variety of cruises, from trips aboard major cruise lines to private...
Day 7 AMSTERDAM - VOLENDAM Excursion to Edam. There is no better way to see Amsterdam than by canal boat, cruising through the elegant grachten lined with stately homes dating back to Amsterdam's “Golden Age.” To the north of the city, ...
This book brings together industry know-how, managerial experience and academic rigour to cover some of the most important and interesting managerial challenges associated with ocean cruises.
11.95 The Directory of Jobs & Careers Abroad £ 12.95 The International Directory of Voluntary Work £ 12.95 Live ... 10.99 Live & Work in Spain & Portugal £ 10.99 Live & Work in the USA & Canada £ 10.99 Drive USA £ 10.99 Hand Made in ...
Describes the amenities and destinations of a Disney Cruise Line vacation.
'Cruise Operations Management' provides a contextualised overview of hospitality services for the cruise industry. The book looks into management issues providing a practical guide for both students and professionals alike.
Cruise Operations Management: Hospitality Perspectives offers a comprehensive and contextualized overview of hospitality services for the cruise industry.
For more serious readers -- including those with a professional interest in all aspects of the cruise industry -- the volume seems to become the definite reference book. These days you could come across one in port, not just at sea.
Although this book is geared towards the first time cruiser, those who have been on multiple cruises are sure to learn some helpful tips as well. Concise and to the point, the information in this cruise book will prepare you to .