The Lazy Intellectual: Maximum Knowledge, Minimal Effort

The Lazy Intellectual: Maximum Knowledge, Minimal Effort
Adams Media
Richard J. Wallace


It's a small attention span world out there, and not everyone's interested in paging through lengthy tomes to deepen their intellect. They want their information. And they want it now. This book fills that void next to the recliner as the go-to reference whenever work conversations or bar trivia have you feeling stupid. The top ten academic subjects are broken into digestible pieces such as: Fast Facts: One-liners that delivers important information Repeatable Quotables: Smart words by smart people to make readers look smart by repeating Visual Aids: Graphs, charts, and tables for when even a few words are way too much Cheat Sheets: Chapter-ending recaps that reinforce the major points to take away Whether they want an answer to a biology question, or to brush up on their Spanish during a commercial break, this book is perfect for people who couldn't bother paying attention the first time.

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