College . . . Will your classes be as fun and exciting as they sound in the course catalog? Or will you find that you need to take advantage of your professors' office hours in order to keep up? Will ramen become your only meal? Will you get along with your roommate? From handling studying and dorm life to parties and campus safety, this guide gives you straight answers to help you survive college life. Experts Susan Fitzgerald and J. Lee Peters show you how to: Ace your papers and exams Deal with loud, rude, or eccentric roommates Prepare for financial shock--and manage student loans Plan an incredible study abroad experience Take care of yourself and keep your sanity You will also find tips for packing for the big move, managing your money, making new friends, and balancing academics and your social life. With The Everything College Survival Book, 3rd Edition, you'll arrive on campus less stressed, ready for fun--and poised for success!
This completely revised book shows you how to: Pack for the residence halls and live in peace with your roommate. Avoid common pitfalls-such as drugs and alcohol. Beat the Freshman 15 and stay healthy. Land a rewarding internship.
College Survival Guide: Tips, Tricks, and a Little Financial Aid
The Ringling Brothers , Barnam & Bailey Circus , Stars On Ice , Ice Capades , David Copperfield , and many other shows constantly travel the country and offer an afternoon or evening's worth of quality entertainment at a reasonable cost ...
Get ready for the best years of your life! College Survival: Study Skills contains everything you need to know about earning that elusive 4.0.
Your RA can assist you with getting involved in the hall and residence hall complex. The residence halls offer a variety of programming and leadership opportunities. The residence halls sometimes offer hall councils and a hall ...
Offers survival tips on adjusting to college life, on- and off-campus housing, the Greek scene, studying, exams and papers, finances, partying, and balancing work and leisure time.
The Freshman Survival Guide's updated edition features new research and advice on issues such as mental health, sexual assault, and finding balance.
Offers new college students advice on packing, dorm life, opening a bank account, homesickness, selecting classes, managing time, preparing for tests, extracurricular activities, dating, and choosing a major
The work also includes short "expert articles" written by professionals who work with college students. This is the 5th edition of How to Survive Your Freshman Year"--
In this guide MJ Wilson explains to students (and parents!):1) How to choose the right major and school2) How to deal with bad professors and impossible exams3) How to keep from changing your major (again and again, and again!)4) How to ...