A fun and accessible introduction to the wide world of sports For every woman who feels out of her league when her signifi cant other spends nights glued to ESPN or when “the guys” talk sports at work, The Smart Girl’s Guide to Sports is here to level the playing field. A crash course in football, baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, boxing, soccer, and car racing, this couch-side companion explains the basics of each game, profiles who’s who, defines key terms, and arms readers with enough trivia to talk sports through extra innings. With this female-friendly handbook, sports-shy women everywhere can step off the sidelines and get into the game.
Team sport or solo activity? To compete, to express your creativity, to have fun with friends, or to feel good in your skin? Whatever you play, whatever your reason, whatever your level, this book is for you.
It's about trying new things and meeting new people. This book shows you how to be a confident and happy traveler, whether you are going to your grandma's house just a few hours away or you're making a trek across the world.
How do you speak up when you're afraid of hurting your friend's feelings?
Every smart girl knows when to ask for advice, and this book is an indispensable companion to growing up.
They may be having feelings they're not even sure how to define. It's all very exciting, but also very confusing for girls. This book helps answer all the questions popping up in her head: How can you tell if a person likes you?
Shares suggestions, quizzes, and real-world tips to help girls get organized in order to alleviate stress, improve personal habits, and develop better time management skills.
For many girls, even small worries can take on a life of their own and get in the way of enjoying life. But this book will help take charge over your worries. You'll learn tried-and-true ways to overcome fears and create a sense of calm.
Provides tips and guidance for young girls when navigating their digital worlds, discussing such issues as the ways in which people communicate online, the need for taking breaks from technology, and the importance of online safety.
The Smart Girl’s Guide melds spiritual and practical advice with humor, equipping you to stand up for your faith and really live the Christian walk every day. Smart girl, this guide was created just for you! . .
Each chapter of this book also provides a list of supplemental resources as well as a recommended reading list to guide you on this journey to greater self-love and self-care.