Whether you’re is a college junior facing the LSATs, a senior sitting with disappointing test scores, or someone who has always dreamed of a career in the law, there is too much at stake not to ask the hard questions about what lies ahead. In How to Get Into Law School, Susan Estrich lends her unique point of view and far-ranging experience-as ace law student, tenured professor, renowned legal scholar and analyst-to the life and career questions applicants will face, and answers them in the frank, no-nonsense manner that is her trademark. Featuring anecdotes from admissions directors, professors, veteran attorneys, and adventurous students alike, this is your indispensable how-to guide.
This guide will give applicants the insider advice on everything from: *Advice from top admissions officers on writing persuasive personal statements, obtaining the best recommendations, preparing an application, and more...
Richard Montauk, a savvy admissions insider who is also a lawyer, demystifies the entire law school application process and provides tools to ace every step. Incorporating advice and insights from...
In the fall (sometime in October usually) they hold a program about how to get into law school. Although they tell you specifics about the CK process, it was very helpful just for overall knowledge of the law school application process.
[emphasis supplied] This quote in How to Get into Harvard Law School, written by Willie J. Epps, Jr., gave me inspiration, confidence and motivation in my pursuit of a law degree, and I hope they do the same for you.
R. BERGER, FEDERALISM: THE FOUNDERS' DESIGN (1987). 7. See Lesser, The Course of Federalism in America—An Historical Overview, in FEDERALISM: THE SHIFTING BALANCE 2 (J. Griffith ed.
Get into LAW SCHOOL: A Strategic Approach, 2nd Ed. (New York: Kaplan Publishing, 2011). Includes twenty chapters addressing issues from “Evaluating Law Schools” to “Your Application Timeline,” “Borrowing the Money,” and “Students with ...
These are essays that reveal your passion for the law as well as the discipline you bring to this demanding profession and will help you impress any admissions department.
I didn't realize that getting into law school required more than early childhood success. It was a targeted process that required strategy and learned skill. Following grade school, I decided to attend a Historically Black University.
Offers advice on choosing, applying, preparing, and paying for law school, including how to prepare for the LSAT and the admissions interview.
Drawn from the experience of a nationwide team of law school admissions experts, this comprehensive guide will lead you step by step through the law school admissions process.