A sweeping collection of new essays gathers historical background, theoretical perspectives, and the latest research on integrating work and personal life in a multigenerational workforce. • Provides insights into 21st-century work/life integration and multigenerational workforce issues and trends • Discusses organizational responses to these trends and offers strategies employers can use to help female employees integrate work and life responsibilities • Shares best practices from human resource specialists, labor attorneys, and employers for meeting the demands of the 21st-century workforce • Identifies organizations that will assist women in integrating work and family roles • Includes first-person accounts by women—managers and non-managers—of workplace strategies that have proven effective for them
Women, Work, and Family
The book argues that our entire economy is trapped in an old way of doing business; work structures have not adapted as more women enter the workforce.
Women's Work and Family Values, 1920-1940
In this timely book, the editors and other experts in feminism and family studies examine the effects of two decades of influence by the women’s movement on sex roles and child rearing.
In For the Family?, Sarah Damaske at last provides a far more nuanced and richer picture of women, work, and class than the one commonly drawn.
Women's Work and the Family Economy in Historical Perspective
These are just some of the questions this controverisal book asks in its analysis of the European labour markets.
Includes a new afterword by the author • “Slaughter’s gift for illuminating large issues through everyday human stories is what makes this book so necessary for anyone who wants to be both a leader at work and a fully engaged parent ...
In For the Family?, Sarah Damaske at last provides a far more nuanced and richer picture of women, work, and class than the one commonly drawn.
This examination of the extraordinary juggling skills of working women who balance obligations to work & family goes beyond description of possible conflicts of interest to seek an understanding of the decision-making process through which ...