Not every book merits a fifth edition! An invaluable resource, this thorough and detailed guide will enable anyone charged with grantseeking to submit winning proposals. • Offers advanced writing tips highlighting technological tools that will help writers work smarter, not harder, to increase proposal persuasiveness • Includes an expanded presentation of logic models that graphically display the relationship between situation, processes, and resulting outputs and outcomes • Features a new chapter on sustainability, complete with sample language to help grantseekers answer the dreaded question, "How will your project be sustained beyond the granting period?" • Shares practical tips that have enabled the authors to write winning grants for four decades
Miner authored the ABC-CLIO titles Proposal Planning & Writing and Collaborative Grantseeking: A Guide to Designing Projects, Leading Partners and Persuading Sponsors. KELLY C. BALL-STAHL, PhD, is the senior grants specialist at ...
Pequegnat, Willo, Ellen Stover, and Cheryl Anne Boyce, eds. How to Write a Successful Research Grant Application: A Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists. New York: Springer, 2011. Rajan, Rekha S., and Dan Tomal.
... Todd Russell , Jon Vice Maria Lemieux Paula Karina Brett Hall , Mary Proud Community Collaboration for Healthcare ... Ramesh Sachdeva , Karen Tilly , John Meurer , Samantha Ayla , Griffin Boyes Children's Health Alliance of WI Black ...
Pearson correlation is used to assess agreement between two continuous measurements (e.g. two methods of measuring a person's height). The measurements should be approximately Normally distributed (otherwise a Spearman rank correlation ...
The Fifth Edition features updated information throughout, including new theories and models such as the Healthy Action Process Approach (HAPA) and the Community Readiness Model (CRM), sections on grant writing and preparing a budget, real ...
This best-selling text pioneered the comparison of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design.
In M. Krysan & A. E. Lewis (Eds.), The changing terrain of race and ethnicity (pp. 13–42). New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Bobrova, N., Sergeev, O., Grechukhina, T., & Kapiga, S. (2005). Social-cognitive predictors of consistent ...
Previous Praise for Winning Grants Step by Step "Warning: this book works.
This new edition: Contains 100-plus case studies drawn from real companies to illustrate both successful and poor implementation of project management Represents a wide range of industries, including medical and pharmaceutical, aerospace, ...
Written in uncommonly engaging and elegant prose, this text is a 'do-it-yourself, understand-it-yourself' manual designed to help research students in any discipline understand the fundamental structure of quality research and the ...