Revised edition of: The presidency in an age of limits. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1993.
This book examines how presidents from Nixon to Obama have faced the challenges of global leadership in a dramatically changing world—one with more limited resources and an increasing number of threatening challengers.
But as Barry Schwartz reveals in Abraham Lincoln in the Post-Heroic Era, those years represent the apogee of Lincoln’s prestige. -acknowledgement-of-use-of-armed-drones/2012/04/30/gIQAq7B4rT_story.html. 90. Brennan, Q&A after “The Ethics and Efficacy of the President's,” paragraphs 105–6.
Explores how recent presidents have managed communications with the American public.
Genovese, Michael, ed. Presidential Leadership in an Age of Change. Abingdon: Routledge, 2017. Genovese, Michael, and Todd Belt. The Post-Heroic Presidency: Leveraged Leadership in an Age of Limits. Denver, Co: Praeger, 2016.
Michael A. Genovese argues that presidents are set up for failure; it is not specific presidents but the presidency itself that is the problem.
After Kennedy the hero, America saw Lyndon B. Johnson, the casualty of war; Richard Nixon, heroic failure; Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, faith-healers; Ronald Reagan, star; George Bush, deputy; and Bill Clinton, survivor.From Kennedy's ...
Therefore, it is not surprising that “positive” socialization though institutional interaction is a noticeable theme in the literature on the China–East Asia relationship. Alice Ba focuses on ASEAN's success in socializing China to its ...
This volume surveys the partnership in its longevity, placing stress on especially iconic presidents such as Lincoln and FDR.
CONTEXT: • Wicked problems (SDGs) • VolaƟlity – Uncertainty – Complexity - Ambiguity • Paradoxes • Changing nature of work (hybrid work, HumanizaƟon vs. algorithmic management) • POST-HEROIC LEADERSHIP: Shared leadership • Servant ...