This book provides a chronological overview of Latino/a history in North America beginning with the indigenous populations of the Americas through the present day.
The Almanac of Latino Politics 2002 & 2004
Political scientists, scholars of ethnic studies, and those interested in the political consequences of immigration will find the book invaluable.
The book examines Latino politics from the top down?looking at the efforts of candidates and campaigns to speak to Latino concerns and to mobilize Latino voters?and from the bottom up?reviewing the efforts of Latinos to win elect
... provides both the standardized and unstandardized coeffiTABLE 1 Hispanic Representatives and Conservative Coalition Support Scores PEARSON'S T 294 The Conversion Process.
CHARO HEAD . Now it's seven questions . PACHUCO HEAD . Seven to eight , ese . ALICIA . Will you stop it ? ALL HEADS . TIE ! ALICIA . Finally . PANCHO VILLA HEAD . Just tell her the truth , muchachitos . ALICIA . That would be nice .
Alicia in Wonder Tierra, Or, I Can't Eat Goat Head: A Play in Two Acts
See Ed Bradley Scholarship , entry ( S - m ) 39 Breakthrough to Nursing Scholarships for Ethnic People of Color , ( S - m ) ... See ASA / NSF / BLS Senior Research Fellow and Associate Program , entries ( F - m ) 491 , ( G - m ) 974 Bush ...
Escalante's first job in Los Angeles was as a busboy at the now-defunct Van de Kamp's restaurant, across the street from Pasadena City College (PCC). He had spent only a few days mopping floors and washing dishes before he decided to ...
Who's Who Among Hispanic Americans
1.234 Riddell , A. S. " Chicanas and el Movimiento . " Aztlán 5 : 155-165 ( Spring / Fall 1974 ) . The Chicano movement represents a diverse range of goals . On the one hand , the Chicano movement is an effort to enrich and enhance ...