"This work provides a broad and authoritative survey of the ways in which gay Americans are influencing the tenor and trajectory of U.S. politics at the local, state, and national levels.
Conceptualizing human rights practice as a way of life -- Forming the movement : founding emotions and social ties -- Transforming grievances : emotional fealty to human rights -- Building community : emotional bonds among activists -- ...
LGBTQ Cultures: What Health Care Professionals Need to Know about Sexual and Gender Diversity
A portmanteau novel by that ponders the gay experience through the historical lens of different eras
... ( editoras académicas ) LGBT es la sigla que pretende incorporar una paleta de. pensar en público Rosi Cuadernos pensar en público número 3 : Crímenes de odio Carmen Millán de Benavides ( editora académica ) 9 " 7 89587 " 161090 " >
Understanding the Well-being of LGBTQI+ Populations
This book presents current research focusing on sexual minorities.
Taking readers on a journey through the development of Cork's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities 1970s-1990s, this book redresses their invisibility and provides a valuable insight into the development of a vibrant and ...
This beautiful, bold book celebrates the achievements of LGBTQ+ people through history and from around the world--featuring dynamic full-color portraits of a diverse selection of 53 inspirational role models accompanied by short biographies ...
To the Tune of a Welcoming God: Lyrical Reflections on Sexuality, Spirituality, and the Widenessof God's Welcome -- In the...
Dictionaries Word Books and Encyclopaedias -- Lesbian and Gay Terminology -- Bisexual other Sexual Orientations Terminology -- Gender Diversity Terminology -- Researching in Newspaper Archives -- Researching in Genealogy, Auction and Online ...