Pimp-controlled sex workers, exploited migrants, domestic servants, and sex trafficking of runaway and homeless youth are just a few of the many forms of sex trafficking and labor trafficking going on all around the world—including in the United States. This book exposes both well-known and more obscure forms of human trafficking, documenting how these heinous crimes are encountered in our daily lives. • Exposes the tragic fact that human trafficking is likely going on in every city of the United States, often in legitimate industries, and that every American has worn, touched, or consumed goods produced with slave labor • Documents the shocking number of human trafficking forms, including sex trafficking of runaway and homeless youth, mail-order brides, forced labor and sex trafficking in massage parlors and nail salons, door-to-door solicitation crews, military sex tourism, child sex tourism, domestic servitude, gang-controlled sex trafficking, slavery in the chocolate and textile industries, and exploitation of undocumented migrants • Features a combination of direct experiences identifying and rescuing victims, interviews with convicted human traffickers, empirical research, and criminal case files • Lays out action items for the modern-day abolitionist movement to better prevent human trafficking victimization, as well as to protect survivors and prosecute offenders
Filled with Jeffrey Archer’s trademark twists and turns, Hidden in Plain Sight is the gripping next instalment in the life of William Warwick.
Apple capitalized on those changes in demand with the iPod, providing a new way of listening to music and of managing one’s entire music library. This book explains how you can spot these opportunities that are hidden in plain sight.
The story of Donald Trump’s rise to power is the story of a buried American history – buried because people in power liked it that way. It was visible without being seen, influential without being named, ubiquitous without being overt.
This book will reveal why God included these parts, breathe new life into Bible reading, and help readers connect to God in new ways.
"I want more, God," he prayed-and the answer was more than he was looking for. It was right there, hidden in plain sight among the syllables and syntax of a few words of advice from the apostle Peter.
"Adopting her niece and nephew when her half-brother is murdered in Mogadishu, Somalia, half-Somali photographer Bella disciplines her free-spirited nature and reevaluates her options when the children's mother resurfaces.
This book equips readers with the knowledge needed to identify human trafficking cases and advocate for policy changes to end this scourge in America.
Woodhouse does a highly effective job of conveying the importance of attending to children's voices and agency. This book is likely to attract public attention and spur public debate.
This book takes a closer look at exemplary developments in Germany, Great Britain, Portugal, Switzerland, and Spain.
That power would not have been granted if the American people and Congress had been aware that the failure to rescue Lehman was simply an enormous blunder rather than a real example of insufficient government authority.