Finally, this work examines how today's brand of political humor may be more influential than ever before in shaping American attitudes about the nation in which we live."--Google Books viewed Sept. 17, 2021.
Britney Spears, and Justin Timberlake wear his outthere diamonds—giant microphone pendants. huge ID neck's Honq IIoIIIsu to ox|| ||o] ow inq Isoq outinqop .
A collection of essays written by Samuel Clements (as Mark Twain.).
Begun in a weekly paper in 1881, Bierce's "dictionary" contained the sardonic definitions published by Ambrose Bierce as "The cynic's word book" in 1906.
... Louis Farrakhan Protestants : Archbishop of Canterbury , Pat Robertson Hindus : Swami Vivekananda , Maharishi Mahesh Yogi , Yogi Bear Mormons : Joseph Smith , Brigham Young , 7'7 " New Jersey Net Shawn Bradley ( someone you can look ...
This one came from the Washington Post , and it stated — we are not making any of this up — that a Colorado State University animal - nutrition professor named Donald Johnson has been studying cow flatulence for 20 years , and has ...
... Hertz Gisela Herzfeld Dick J. Hessing Chad Hesting Paul C. Hewett Colin Hewitt John H. Hewitt , M.D. Bill Hickman ... M.D. Betty Hoyle Dr. Jo H. F. Huddleston Joseph M. Humpert , M.D. Norma Jacob Lewis G. Jacobs Roberta B. Jacobson ...
By ( ahem ) coincidence , my first class of the afternoon was a study hall — as it was for Monty Jo , Larry Rowe , Jeff Mead and Mike Pipher ; all the pals I had talked into taking journalism . That meant we could leave the school at ...
Auntie Barbara's Tips for an Ordinary Life: A Celebration of a Kinder, Gentler Lifestyle
Would you rather have sex with ... just the top half of Briana Banks OR just the bottom half of Britney Spears ? a Filipino Justin Timberlake or an Caucasian Samuel L. Jackson ? Clint Howard or Kate Beckinsale , 10 seconds after she ...
Zipping Through Georgia-on a Goat-powered Time Machine with Ludlow Porch and a Parot Named Pete: (ZTGOAGPTMWLPAAPNP for Short)