Divided into dedicated categories about the subjects most meaningful to librarians, this valuable resource reviews 500 texts across all major fields. • Critically assesses the most widely held reference titles • Includes LC and Dewey classifications for every title • Makes finding titles easy with organization by subject
Calling for a re-intellectualization of reference librarianship, this book suggests another approach to providing quality reference service--reading.
... remembers that "some years ago" a patron "wanted to read a book he had heard about that was about the North Carolina mountains and had a funny title with words like flowers or something unusual or colorful.... I had read Tom Wolfe's ...
Revisions for this tenth edition have centred in particular on the Information Society and its ramifications, on the general shift towards electronic resources, and on e-commerce, e-learning and e-government, whilst at the same time ...
This is the guide to keep at your side when serving business students, job-seekers, investors, or entrepreneurs in your library.
Building on Smith's work, this volume seeks to bridge the sacred/secular divide with an exploration of how Christianity and the gospel are manifested through the profession of librarianship.
"The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science provides an outstanding resource in 33 published volumes with 2 helpful indexes.
Ure , S. 745.593 Scrapbooks Ludens , R. Teach yourself visually scrapbooking 745.593 Pickering Rothamel , S. The encyclopedia of scrapbooking tools & techniques 745.593 The scrapbook in American life 745.593 Sowell , S. Paper cutting ...
2 ; organizations involved in 193 , 194 , 195–96 Internet : and access to pornography in libraries B15 ; and mission of the church B99 ; see also digital media ; Internet filtering Internet filtering : in Christian college libraries B18 ...
The need for reference books, selection guidelines, issues about circulation, descriptions of various types of books, and ideas for promoting the use of these books in a congregational library are covered in this guide.
Farmington Hills, Mich., Gale/Cengage Learning, 2018.2v. illus. index. $379.00/set. ISBN 13: 978-1-4103-8128-6. Infectious Diseases In Context is a two-volume encyclopedia for high school students or general readers wanting to ...