Proposal Planning & amp;Writing, 6th Edition

Proposal Planning & amp;Writing, 6th Edition
Business & Economics
Jeremy T. Miner, Kelly C. Ball-Stahl


No matter whether you are approaching public or private sponsors, this thorough and detailed step-by-step guide will enable you to plan and write winning proposals. • Discusses resources to identify the tens of thousands of grantmakers that award more than $350 billion in philanthropic funds annually • Provides a time-tested template to write proposals for private foundations and corporations, with samples to illustrate how the template can be used in different grant writing situations • Features new examples of and strategies for increasing the overall quality and competitiveness of grant applications • Addresses sponsors' increased attention to evaluation and their desire to move beyond counting participants and activities to measuring a project's impact • Looks at different types of sustainability and interrelationships among grant proposal narratives, logic models, and budgets • Offers new strategies for engineering and reverse engineering budgets to help maintain alignment between costs and activities and insulate against potential requests for budget reductions

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