Drawing upon the methodology developed in his Dynamics of Theology (1990) and exemplified in Jesus Symbol of God (1999), Roger Haight, in this magisterial work, achieves what he calls an historical ecclesiology, or ecclesiology from below. In contrast to traditional ecclesiology from above, which is abstract, idealist, and ahistorical, ecclesiology from below is concrete, realist, and historically conscious. In this first of two volumes, Haight charts the history of the church's self-understandings from the origins of the church in the Jesus movement to the late Middle Ages. In volume 2 Haight develops a comparative ecclesiology based on the history and diverse theologies of the worldwide Christian movement from the Reformation to the present. While the ultimate focus of the work falls on the structure of the church and its theological self-understanding, it tries to be faithful to the historical, social, and political reality of the church in each period.
"Ecclesiology from below," as it operates in this work, is directed to history; it moves through the actual church of history to ecclesiology or to an understanding of the church both as it is and as it should be.
AUTHOR'S PERSPECTIVE: Scholar and writer Everett Ferguson wrote this history of the church from the perspective that such a history is the story of the greatest movement and community the world has known.
... on a mission to the court of the emperor. He was installed in 1533 upon his return to England. MacCulloch, Cranmer, 41—78. 12. David Knowles, Bare Ruined Choirs: The Dissolution of the. The Church of England 153.
Of volume 2, a reviewer in the Anglican Theological Review wrote: "This work is worthy of celebration...anyone who cares about the theology of the church must read it.
How to read church history
A full-color, illustrated overview of church history from the church's very beginnings through Medieval, Reformation, modern, and postmodern eras. A perfect introduction for general readers.
At last, a thorough, balanced, and readable history of medieval theology for nonspecialist readers! This is that book we so often ask for and so seldom get: written by a scholar for everyone to read.
Beginning with the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century, this second volume of The Story of Christianity continues narrative history to the present. Historian Justo Gonzalez brings to life the...
Theissen , G. The miracle stories of the early Christian tradition , F. McDonagh ( trans . ) ( Philadelphia : Fortress , 1983 ) . Trobisch , D. Paul's letter collection : tracing the origins ( Minneapolis : Fortress , 1994 ) .
... Mary, 592 Smith, Adam, 423, 526 Smith, George Adam, 672 Smith, Joseph, 695 Smith, Sydney, 567 Smith, Wilbur, 808 Smith, ... 276, 278 Solvyov, Vladimir, 666 Some Reflections upon Marriage, 351 Sonthomb, Emanuel, 282 Sorbière, Samuel, ...