This analysis examines the influences of community, paramilitarism, post-conflict politics, and culture on contemporary Ulster loyalism to explain its socio-political dynamics.
From the Boston Tea Party to that day in 1785 when the first U.S. ambassador presented his credentials to a grudging George III, here is the full account of "those damned rebels" who somehow managed to found a new nation.
The power of the Roman Empire was under constant challenge.
Controversial and revisionist history of America's first civil war. Accompanying four-part BBC TV series - written and presented by star military historian, Richard Holmes. Most people view the American Revolutionary...
Offers an account of the first great human rights crusade, which originated in England in the 1780s and resulted in the freeing of hundreds of thousands of slaves around the world.
71 Selina Todd and Hilary Young, 'Baby-Boomers to 'Beanstalkers': making the modern teenager in postwar Britain', Cultural and Social History, 9 (2012), pp. 451–67; Nick Thomas, 'Will the real 1950s please stand up?
In this fascinating study, Edward Vallance traces a national tendency towards revolution, irreverence and reform wherever it surfaces and in all its variety.
This book is a collection of biographies, written by experts in their field, of the lives and deeds of famous English freedom fighters, rebels, and democrats who have had a major impact on history.
Waterhouse, ed., journal, 186 (“momentary stupor”) and 217–19; Hawthorne, ed., Yarm, 261–62; Reuben G. Beasley to John Mason, Feb. ... 10, 1815, and Robert McDouall to Colley Foster, May 15, 1815, in SBD, 3, part 1:507–8 and 534–35; ...
The Divine Politician: Samuel Cooper and the American Revolution in Boston. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1982. ——. “'Our Modern Egyptians': Phillis Wheatley and the Whig Campaign Against Slavery in Revolutionary Boston.
The heroic story of the founding of the U.S. Navy during the Revolution has been told many times, yet largely missing from maritime histories of America’s first war is the ragtag fleet of private vessels that truly revealed the new ...