A comprehensive and authoritative reference to a huge range of American musical styles, from Barbershop to Bluegrass and from Ragtime to Rockabilly.
Nonetheless , the guitar in both its acoustic and electric forms remains a powerful and pervasive presence in contemporary popular music , and continues to expand its reach by entering the musical styles of Africa and Latin America as ...
'Introduction: Locating the Popular Music Text.” In Reading Pop: Approaches to Textual Analysis in Popular Music, ed. Richard Middleton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1–19. Rose, Tricia. 1994. Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture ...
Popular Music in England , 1840– 1914 : A Social History . Manchester : Manchester University Press . Scott , Derek B. 1989. The Singing Bourgeois : Songs of the Victorian Drawing Room and Parlour . Milton Keynes : Open University Press ...
Written and edited by a team of distinguished popular music scholars and professionals, this is an exceptional resource for anybody studying or researching the history and development of popular music."--Bloomsbury Publishing.
Reading Pop: Approaches to Textual Analysis in Popular Music. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Mitchell, Tony. 2001. 'Fightin' da Faida: The Italian Posses and Hip-Hop in Italy.' In Global Noise: Rap and Hip-Hop Outside the ...
Containing 27,000 entries and over 6,000 new entries, the online edition of the Encyclopedia of Popular Music includes 50% more material than the Third Edition. Featuring a broad musical scope...
Krogh, Mads. 2011. 'On Hip Hop Criticism and the Constitution of Hip Hop Culture in Denmark.' Popular Musicology Online 5. Online at http:// www.popular-musicology-online.com/issues/05/ krogh.html (accessed 18 May 2016).
"This is an extraordinary achievement and it will become an absolutely vital and trusted resource for everyone working in the field of popular music studies. Even more broadly, anyone interested...
25 December 1937, d. 31 March 1986), Rudolph (b. 1 April 1939) and Ronald Isley (b. 21 May 1941), began singing gospel in their home-town of Cincinnati, USA, in the early 50s, accompanied by their brother Vernon, who died in a car crash ...
The five volumes that form Part 2 of this multi-volume work follow on from the two volumes of Part 1: Media, Industry and Society (Volume I) and Performance and Production (Volume II).