This valuable resource introduces readers to the Old Testament books of wisdom and poetry--Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs--and helps them better understand each book's overall flow. Estes summarizes some of each book's key issues, offers an exposition of the book that interacts with major commentaries and recent studies, and concludes with an extensive bibliography. Now in paperback.
The Wisdom books tie these two streams of God's revelation together in a way that enriches and strengthens the church.
This second edition has been substantially revised and updated. The first edition sold over sixty thousand copies.
Not only will students of the Psalms appreciate these studies but church leaders teaching from the Psalms will also gain new insight from this classic text.
More than an introduction, however, this is a thoughtful consideration of the hermeneutical implications of this literature.
See Petersen, Haggai and Zechariah 1–8, 165–66. 288. The Hebrew text reads literally, “after glory he sent me.” The meaning of the statement is unclear. The translation offered here assumes that God's glory is in view and that it is the ...
In this expanded edition, James Crenshaw takes stock of the wealth of new material produced by contemporary interpreters.
This 10-week study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon mines the Wisdom Literature not only for wise principles for living, but also for the wise person these books point to through their drama, poetry, proverb, ...
An indispensable resource for students and scholars, The Oxford Handbook of the Psalms features a diverse array of essays that treat the Psalms from a variety of perspectives.
to the status of a favored subject who now possesses a royal grant from the great king himself.36 god ... 38. robert h. pfeiffer, State Letters of Assyria (new haven, ct: american oriental society, 1935), 150 (letter 203). 39.
This volume is destined to become a standard evangelical introductory text.