In this addition to the highly acclaimed Encountering Mission series, two leading missionary scholars offer an up-to-date discussion of missionary strategy that is designed for a global audience. The authors focus on the biblical, missiological, historical, cultural, and practical issues that inform and guide the development of an effective missions strategy. The book includes all the features that have made other series volumes useful classroom tools, such as figures, sidebars, and case studies. Students of global or domestic mission work and mission practitioners will value this new resource.
Strategy takes priority; strategy determines tactics. As the title indicates, this is a book on mission strategy--and a very good one.
A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey A. Scott Moreau, Gary R. Corwin, Gary B. McGee ... Bold Love (1992) Brennan Manning, Ruthless Trust: The Ragamuffin's Path to God (2000) Mark R. McMinn, Why Sin Matters: The Surprising ...
The Reasons for Romans. edinburgh: Clark. weidenmann, Ludwig. 1965. Mission und Eschatologie. ... in Douglas 1975, 213–58. winter, Ralph D., and Steven C. Hawthorne, eds. 1999. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. 3rd ed.
The core of the book explores eleven practices that characterize giftive mission. Each practice is illustrated through the story of a figure from mission history who embodied that practice.
White, Karen L. 1998. “Overcoming Resistance through Martyrdom.” In Reaching the Resistant, ed. J. Dudley Woodberry, 155–79. Evangelical Missiological Society Series no. 6. Pasadena: William Carey Library. Whiteman, Darrell L. 1997.
GILLILAND. Reprinted with permission from Hiebert and Hiebert (1987, 202–4). The general council of the Benue Valley Church of Northern Nigeria was in a special session. It was a meeting called by the field secretary of the mission, ...
Boogaart, Thomas A. 2008. “Drama and the Sacred: Recovering the Dramatic Tradition ... Boomershine, Thomas E. 1988. Story Journey: An Invitation to the Gospel as ... Bulatao, Jaime C. 1992. Phenomena and Their Interpretation: Landmark ...
I remember sitting in a Gurung village in the mountains of Nepal talking to a group of young men and answering their questions about the Christian faith. We were sitting in a smokefilled room, the only light being the reflection from ...
This is exactly what you will get in Global Church Planting.
Dotsey welliver and Minnette northcutt, 11–64. wheaton: evangelism and Missions information Service. ———. 2005. “Contextualization.” in The Changing Face of World Missions, by Michael Pocock, Gailyn Van Rheenen, and Douglas McConnell, ...