Loving, Biblical Answers on Homosexuality In the next year at least one of these things will happen in your life: • A family member will come out of the closet and expect you to be okay with it. • Your elementary-age child's curriculum will discuss LGBT families. • Your company will talk about building a tolerant workplace for LGBT co-workers. • Your college-age child will tell you your view on homosexuality is bigoted. Are you ready? In their role as pastors, Adam Barr and Ron Citlau have seen how this issue can tear apart families, friendships, and even churches. In this book they combine biblical answers with practical, real-world advice on how to think about and discuss this issue with those you care about. They also tell the story of Ron's personal journey from same-sex attraction and sexual brokenness to healing. Truth does not preclude kindness--and a good dose of humility is necessary to love our neighbors. With sensitivity and winsomeness, this book will offer an honest but inviting message to readers: We are all in need of the healing that can only come from the truth of the gospel.
Representing the AND Campaign, the authors of this book lay out the biblical case for political engagement and help Christians navigate the complex world of politics with integrity.
In the book, Marin speaks out with compassion and conviction, elevating the conversation between Christianity and the GLBT community so that the focus is moved from genetics to gospel, where it really belongs.
If you are a pastor or ministry leader, this book is for you! If you have a loved one living a homosexual lifestyle, this book is for you!
Without Compromise is the first anthology of Barrett's investigative work, accompanied by essays from colleagues and those he trained.
Traditional Position The men of Sodom were attempting homosexual contact with Lot's visitors. Sodom was subsequently destroyed for its great wickedness. Revisionist Argument One: “Inhospitality was the sin of Sodom” Sodom was destroyed ...
In this brief book, two New Testament scholars discuss the relevant biblical texts on the subject of homosexual behavior and orientation.
Here is a message of hope and practical, loving guidance for those who are same-sex attracted--and those who love them.
In this updated edition of A Strong Delusion, author and counselor Joe Dallas helps readers understand what pro-gay theology is and how to confront it.
Homosexuality is one of the most controversial moral issues of our day. The time is ripe for people to think and speak about same-sex attraction in a way that is both biblical and beneficial.
Dr. JM Carroll's "The Trail of Blood" is a great historical premise concerning the beginnings of the church from "Christ it's founder, till the current day".