My wife Joy and I first met back in May of 2010 when she was referred to us for publication of her first book. Over the first couple years we had published 4 books for Sister Joy. When she invited me to go to church with her, I had picked her up and we were driving west out of town. A couple blocks later I saw a sign that read, “Young At Heart” outside a rather large nice looking building.I asked Joy if that were a youth meeting place? She said, “No, that is a Senior Citizens Place.” I told her that it looked like a good place to have Bible Study and Prayer Meetings. She said they do have Bible Study there. That was about 3 years ago. Last August Joy and I were married and February of this year 2014 we were asked by one of the local ministers if we would have Bible Study at the Young At Heart building?We said we would be honored to do it. The 1st week, only Joy and I came to the Bible Study and Prayer Meeting. The 2nd and 3rd weeks were the same. We continued hoping the people who were at the building playing cards would see our consistency and join us as we did indeed invite them each week before we would start. We would meet for about 1½ hour each time.Then on the 4th week, Joys sister came to join us. About the 7th week Sister Nora was out of town in Florida and Joy and I were again the only ones there. This week The Lord prompted us to read the longest chapter in the Holy Bible. We did and Joy was surprised that it didn't take very long to read it… She would read and then I would read and we kept switching back and forth.After we discussed what we had just read, I explained how The Lord had me to publish The Book of Revelation to show that it is not that hard to read and to understand. We had no-more than read this longest chapter in the Holy Bible, discussed it and had our discussion about The Book of Revelation when again The Lord spoke to me and said, “Charles… Publish this chapter into a book and call it 119!”So… You are now reading the longest chapter in The Holy Bible and we hope you too see that it is not that hard to read the longest chapter and understand it. May we suggest that before you read this or any book in The Holy Bible or any other book about The Holy Bible, you would be well advised to pray first and ask the Author of The Book; The Holy Bible, to open your understanding and to allow you to become knowledgeable and give you wisdom as you read. We have done that for years and we learn each and every day. God does want us to read His Holy Word and He wants to teach us so very much!Now; almost 5 years later, we must continue to share these same thoughts with you the reader of this book. You see back then The Lord told us, “Charles… They wouldn't read My Big Book… But they will read your little books!” So we continue to publish books. To date we have published over 215 books and God brings us new author after new author.Your Book Could Be Next!You must understand… We are no one special. In the 1st grade of school, we were actually put in the corner of the room while the other kids were in reading circle. It seems I just could not read as a 1st grader. They even held me back for a 2nd year to try to help me to learn to read. I can still remember those troubling words,“Run Jack Run” and “See The Cat” and “See Billy Walk” but when I got to antidisestablishmentarianism… I was really lost! (Just kidding). I made it all the way to 6th grade and the teacher told my Mom, if I didn't go to summer school, I would fail the 7th grade. Well Praise God, He had other plans for me. I didn't fail the 7th grade and I didn't go to summer school either and made it through high school. Got a job at the local Air Force Base and 2 years later was drafted into the United States Army.In the 3rd grade, I saw a boy cheating on his spelling test. I watched several weeks and decided to try it myself. Well guess what happened? I didn't get caught either. My grade card reflected an improvement, I was off to the...
追随上帝是一段令人兴奋的发现之旅。追随和模仿他人是古老的学习艺术,耶稣基督将其选为他的原则性训练方法。我们不回避这种经过时间检验的训练方法,现在是时候了解这种追 ...
Few Christians can agree on how believers should interact with the culture at large. Should they embrace it wholeheartedly? Reject it altogether? Form a subculture? Or pursue a more excellent...
工作原非人類墮落的咒t且,而是神所賜的禮物,讓人發揮天賦潛能、踐行召命。神的禮物是美好的,人本應心存感恩、歡喜接受,何解在現代社會,工作反而成為焦慮和壓力的來源,難言滿足和樂趣?這是由於職場已成為現代人生活的主要場所,職場文化也深深模造現代人的思維,卻往往違反創造主設定的秩序。如此看來,創造神學就是現代職場困境的出路。 本書分為「聖經神學篇」和「職場實戰篇」兩部分,從創造作為禮物和秩序這兩個角度,解說工作的創造原意,驳斥職場文化的迷思,幫助讀者不但在職場上作光作發,更能忠於召命,享受在曰光之下勞碌的成果。
Renewing the Center is an important foundational book for the emerging church. The second edition includes a new foreword by Brian McLaren and a new afterword from John Franke updating...
The usual modern assumption is that Christians are supposed to leave explicitly Christian convictions and practices behind when they engage public affairs and popular culture. In this fascinating book, Rodney...
"Why did it take 30 years for American bishops to listen to the victims of Catholic clerical abuse?" Gay Catholic Priests and Clerical Sexual Misconduct: Breaking the Silence is...