The Adamic Language and Calendar: The True Bible Code

The Adamic Language and Calendar: The True Bible Code
Xlibris Corporation
David B. Cohen


The Adamic Language and Calendar: The True Bible Code unlocks the mysteries of the original language and calendar. The book proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the lesser albeit holy ancient Hebrew is longhand of Adam's shorthand, which is derivable from the ancient Hebrew. The book shows that the ancient Hebrew letters as well as the Adamic pictographs have profound meanings. In fact, Adam and his righteous posterity merely studied the language in order to learn subjects such as geometry, optics, and even biochemistry! There has never been a language more powerful. The book corrects many biblical mistranslations and provides numerous doctrinal insights and clarifications via the holy language and calendar. The book climaxes via elucidation of the divine pattern to sacred chronologies, thereby revealing key future events including the signs and date of the opening of the seventh seal the Lord shall have his own 9/11.

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