This important new work provides a comprehensive discussion of the customer satisfaction evaluation problem. It presents an overview of the existing methodologies as well as the development and implementation of an original multicriteria method dubbed MUSA.
It also provides the rationale, identifies opportunities, and suggests specific programs to improve the measurement of customer satisfaction in your organization.!--nl--Serving as a single reference for customer satisfaction measurement ...
"The third edition of this best-seller updates its detailed information about how to construct, evaluate, and use questionnaires, and adds an entirely new chapter on customer loyalty.
The success of your business is underpinned by competitiveness and profitability, both of which are maximized in the long run by doing best what matters most to customers - this book will help you reach that goal.
Intermediate Diploma Thesis from the year 2003 in the subject Computer Science - Commercial Information Technology, grade: 1,7 (A-), University of Applied Sciences Bergisch Gladbach (University of Applied Sciences for Economics), language: ...
This thesis presents the current state of research in the field of customer satisfaction measurement. In its macro-structure it can be divided into a theoretical and an empirical part.
Biometrics 60, 216–224 (2004) Hirotsu, C.: Cumulative chi-squared statistic as a tool for testing goodness-offit. ... 35, 315–324 (2006) Pesarin, F., Salmaso, L.: Permutation Tests for Complex Data: Theory, Applications and Software.
New York: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1997. Perreault, William D., Jr., Joseph P. Cannon, and E. Jerome McCarthy. Basic Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach. 16th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008. Ryan, Richard M., and Edward L.
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: Based on the Expectancy Disconfirmation Model as the underlying construct, methods to measure customer satisfaction with products and the steps to be undertaken in the research process are investigated.
This concise book is must reading for practitioners, researchers, and students committed to listening to the voices of their clients and improving the delivery of care.
... Customer Satisfaction in Indian Public Sector and Private Sector Banks' compare the public sector banks and private sector banks in terms of customer satisfaction using SERVQUAL Model. Private banks seem to have satisfied their customers ...