Parental participation has long been recognized as a positive factor in children’s education. Research consistently shows that parents’ contributions to their children’s education lead to improvements in their academic and behavioral outcomes, from elementary through middle and secondary school. Recognizing the critical role of school psychologists in this equation, Parental Involvement in Childhood Education clearly sets out an evidence-based rationale and blueprint for building parental involvement and faculty awareness. The author’s starting point is the gap between the ideals found in the literature and the reality of parental involvement in schools. An ecological analysis identifies professional, institutional, and societal factors that keep schools and parents distant. Methods for evaluating parental involvement are detailed, as is a model for developing and maintaining strong parental relationships at the instructor, school, and education system level, with an emphasis on flexible communication and greater understanding of parents’ needs. This empirically sound coverage offers readers: A detailed understanding of obstacles to parental involvement. An evidence-based model for parental participation. A three-nation study of parental involvement practices in schools. Guidelines for implementing parental involvement activities and initiatives. A review of effective communication strategies with parents. Analysis of key interpersonal skills for effective work with parents. Parental Involvement in Childhood Education is essential reading for practitioners and researchers in school psychology and counseling, social work, and educational psychology, whether they work directly with schools or in providing training for teachers and other professionals who work with children and their parents.
Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education
Introducing Bronfenbrenner: A guide for students and practitioners in early years education. London: Routledge. Hiilamo, H. (2004). Changing family policy in Sweden and Finland during the 1990s. Social Policy and Administration, 38(1), ...
Parent Involvement in Compensatory Education
The role of parents in high-achieving schools serving low-income, at-risk populations. Education & Urban Society, 39, ... Professional development implications of teachers' beliefs and attitudes toward English language learners.
Hornby, G. (1990) Training teachers to work with parents of children with special educational needs. British Journal of In-Service ... McConachie, H. (1986) Parents and Young Mentally Handicapped Children: A Review of Research Issues.
This text describes the current and ongoing research related to the important benefits of parent and family involvement to student achievement and provides practical ideas and specific activities for preservice and inservice teachers to ...
documentality 130, 149–150 Doucet, F. 33 Ebbeck, M. 97, 98, 99 ecological systems theory (EST) 58 educators, role in transition to childcare: aim of research 90–91; attachment theory 91, 95, 96–97; child-selected model versus primary ...
This book discusses the vital part that parents play in the academic achievement of students.
Parental Involvement in Education
Therefore, this work supports the ideas that decision to invest in family support and education services is an effectiv