Over the last two centuries, the development of modern transportation has significantly transformed human life. The main theme of this book is to understand the complexity of transportation development and model the process of network growth including its determining factors, which may be topological, morphological, temporal, technological, economic, managerial, social or political. Using multidimensional concepts and methods, the authors develop a holistic framework to represent network growth as an open and complex process with models that demonstrate in a scientific way how numerous independent decisions made by entities such as travelers, property owners, developers, and public jurisdictions could result in a coherent network of facilities on the ground. Models are proposed from innovative perspectives including self-organization, degeneration, and sequential connection to interpret the evolutionary growth of transportation networks in explicit consideration of independent economic and regulatory initiatives. Employing these models, the authors survey a series of topics ranging from network hierarchy and topology to first mover advantage. The authors demonstrate, with a wide spectrum of empirical and theoretical evidence, that network growth follows a path that is not only logical in retrospect, but also predictable and manageable from a planning perspective. In the larger scheme of innovative transportation planning, this book provides a re-consideration of conventional planning practice and sets the stage for further development on the theory and practice of the next-generation, evolutionary planning approach in transportation, making it of interest to scholars and practitioners alike in the field of transportation .
Evolution of Transport Systems: Past and Future
Docherty, I., G. Giuliano and D. Houston (2008) “Connected cities”, in R.D. Knowles, J. Shaw and I. Docherty (eds) Transport Geographies: Mobilities, Flows and Spaces, London: Blackwell, pp. 83–101. Gwilliam, K. (ed.) ...
This book presents essential new governance structures to embrace and regulate smart mobility modes. Drawing on a range of case studies, it paves the way for new approaches to governing future transportation systems.
This open access book examines the decarbonization and digitalization transformation in the transport sector, with a particular focus on energy consumption.
With contributions from expert researchers, professionals, and doctoral students from a wide number of countries such as Australia, Austria, Canada, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK and USA, this multi-contributed book ...
A broad look at current and emergent developments in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and at how improved transportation systems can have a significant impact on lifestyle. Written by two experts...
The Transportation Experience seeks to understand the genesis of transportation policy in America and the UK, along with the roles that this policy plays as systems are innovated, deployed, and reach maturity, and how policies might be ...
Worlds in Motion: Internal Development and the Evolution of Transportation Systems in Early Pennsylvania, 1680-1800
Also, Musso and Vuchic [19], Vuchic and Musso [20] focused on evolution and characteristics of subway networks. Derrible [21] was interested in network centrality of 28 worldwide metro systems, where he studied the emergence of global ...
The air transportation demand at large hubs in the U.S. is anticipated to double in the near future.