Twig, a young sky pirate captain, risks his ship and crew to find his father in the vortex of the Mother Storm. His father foretells calamity from the storm unless Twig intervenes. Then his sky ship is destroyed, and he and his crew are hurled into the Deepwoods, and Twig's memory becomes fogged. Sequel to "Stormchaser". Some violence. Grades 5-8. 2001. (The edge chronicles ; 3)
Three stories from The edge chronicles featuring the hero Twig.
Apprenticed to the Most High Academe of Sanctaphrax, a floating city of scholars, gossip, and treachery, fourteen-year-old Quint runs increasingly dangerous errands, which eventually bring him to a place of gruesome monsters that threaten ...
Midnight Over Sanctaphrax
Take your imagination to THE EDGE! On board the Stormchaser, Twig, a young crew-member drawn by destiny to join the sky pirates is filled with excitement at the adventure ahead.
Rook Barkwater, the young librarian knight, attempts to stop Vox Verlix, the Most High Academe, in his plot to take over Edgeworld once again.
Abandoned at birth in the dangerous Deepwoods, young Twig has been brought up by a family of woodtrolls.
THE ROOK TRILOGY, Book II High in the crumbling Palace of Statues, oily Vox Verlix—the Most High Academe in name, but really no more than a lowly prisoner—is brewing a terrible plot to take over power in Edgeworld once again.
9 yrs+
Quint Is Travelling With His Father, Wind Jackal, On A Mission To Track Down And Bring To Justice Turbot Smeal, The Man Who Started The Fire That Killed Their Family.
Rook Barkwater Lives In The Network Of Sewer-Chambers Beneath Undertown, The Bustling Main City Of The Edgeworld.