Ireland’s Great Famine in Irish-American History: Enshrining a Fateful Memory offers a new, concise interpretation of the history of the Irish in America. Author and distinguished professor Mary Kelly’s book is the first synthesized volume to track Ireland’s Great Famine within America’s immigrant history, and to consider the impact of the Famine on Irish ethnic identity between the mid-1800s and the end of the twentieth century. Moving beyond traditional emphases on Irish-American cornerstones such as church, party, and education, the book maps the Famine’s legacy over a century and a half of settlement and assimilation. This is the first attempt to contextualize a painful memory that has endured fitfully, and unquestionably, throughout Irish-American historical experience.
Between 1845 and 1855, nearly 1.5 million Irish women, men, and children sailed to America to escape the Great Famine, triggered by successive years of potato blight. The famine and...
The Great Famine of 1845-52 was the most decisive event in the history of modern Ireland.
'Honest John' Kelly, who succeeded the disgraced William Tweed in 1871, was the first Irish boss of Tammany Hall. Kelly gave way to Richard Croker in 1886, who in turn was replaced by Charles Francis Murphy in 1902.
The broad scope of this book is matched by its remarkable range of sources, published and archival. The book will be the starting point for all future research into the Irish famine.
Drawing on contemporary eyewitness accounts and diaries, the book charts the arrival of the potato blight in 1845 and the total destruction of the harvests in 1846 which brought a sense of numbing shock to the populace.
Ireland's Painters 1600—1940. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. Cubitt, Geoffrey. History and Memory. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007. Cullen, Fintan. Visual Politics: The Representation of Ireland, 1750—1930.
This remarkable book, a seminal record of the oral transmission of folk memory, is a record of the last living link with the survivors of Ireland’s most devastating historical event.
... Decoding Subaltern Politics: Ideology, Disguise, and Resistance in Agrarian Politics (New York, 2013), 1–6, 6; italics in original. Scott, 'Introduction', 6. For the phrase 'working classes', see a printed poster, drafted and ...
This volume seeks to counterbalance the recent historiographical focus on the Great Irish Famine which has overshadowed the impact of other periods of subsistence crisis, both before 1845 and after 1852.
"Here is a new Clay Sanskrit Library publication of the middle book of Valmiki's Ramayana, the source revered throughout South Asia as the original account of the career of Rama, the ideal man and the incarnation of the great god Vishnu.