The process of negotiation, standing as it does between war and peace in many parts of the globe, has never been a more vital process to understand than in today's rapidly changing international system. Students of negotiation must first understand key IR concepts as they try to incorporate the dynamics of the many anomalous actors that regularly interact with conventional state agents in the diplomatic arena. This hands-on text provides an essential introduction to this high-stakes realm, exploring the impact of complex multilateralism on traditional negotiation concepts such as bargaining, issue salience, and strategic choice. Using an easy-to-understand board game analogy as a framework for studying negotiation episodes, the authors include a rich array of real-world cases and examples—now updated with the results of the Paris climate change agreement—to illustrate key themes, including the intensity of crisis situations for negotiators, the role of culture in communication, and the impact of domestic-level politics on international negotiations. Providing tools for analyzing why negotiations succeed or fail, this innovative text also presents effective exercises and learning approaches that enable students to understand the complexities of negotiation by engaging in the diplomatic process themselves.
Druckman, Daniel. 1994. “Nationalism, Patriotism, and Group Loyalty: A Social Psychological Perspective." Mershon international Studies Review 38, no. '1 (April): 43—68.
International Negotiation in the Twenty-First Century is an accessible examination of negotiation and diplomacy on an international scale and is the first publication to analyze this fundamental concept in a single volume.
Drawing on a mass of empirical data, including a large number of interviews, this book relates the abstract debate over international norms and ethics to the realities of international relations.
This book reinforces the foundation of a new field of studies and research in the intersection between social sciences and specifically between political science, international relations, diplomacy, psychotherapy, and social-cognitive ...
In examining the basic ingredients of negotiation, the book draws together major strands of negotiation theories and illustrates their relevance to particular negotiation contexts.
Foreword by Henry Kissinger In this groundbreaking, definitive guide to the art of negotiation, three Harvard professors—all experienced negotiators—offer a comprehensive examination of one of the most successful dealmakers of all time.
Israel is still there. In 1959, Castro took over Cuba. For almost 50 years the United States has boycotted sugar and cigars, and Castro is still there. OPEC's (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 1973 oil flow slowdown was ...
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requested ISBN: ...
Value Negotiation: How to Finally Get the Win-Win Right examines the complicated world of negotiation and provides a simple and practical approach in helping negotiators learn how to consistently deliver the most possible value at the ...
This work explores the problems faced by Western managers while doing business abroad and offers guidelines for international business negotiations. It also focuses on an important aspect of international business: negotiations.