When a local context really makes the difference… The new edition of this original Australian text continues to offer the most balanced coverage of theory and research for Australian students and educators and appeals to students from many backgrounds. It covers the domains of development including neurological, cognitive, social, physical and personality. The text is organised chronologically by chapter. Within each chapter content is organised topically. This structure allows for a degree of flexibility and lecturers can choose the way they wish to approach the content, whether it is topically or chronologically.
This custom edition is published for Macquarie University.
Readings on Aging for BEHL 3011 Developmental Psychology: This Custom Book is Compiled From: Looking Forward Through the Lifespan, 5th...
In this book, a group of respected international scholars examine controversies presently facing the enduring relationship between psychology and education.
This volume examines a collection of human development theories that explain trajectories of change, including patterns of growth, maintenance, and decline across the adult lifespan.
This book addresses how shifts in advanced capitalism have produced new understandings of children, and a new (and more punitive) range of institutional responses to children.
Health promotion strategies through the life span (8th ed.). Prentice Hall. Peterson C. (2014). Looking forward through the lifespan: Developmental psychology (6th ed.). Pearson. Piaget J. (1932). The moral judgement of the child.
Physical knowledge in preschool education. Implications of Piaget's theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Labinowicz, E. (1980). The Piaget primer. Thinking, learning, teaching. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley. Piaget, J. (1954).
Looking forward through the lifespan. Developmental psychology (6th ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson. Queensland Health (2008). Submission: inquiry into obesity in Australia. Brisbane: Queensland State Government.
She has published nine books and over 60 journal articles and book chapters in the field of lifespan sociocognitive development. Her publications include titles such as: Looking Forward Through the LifeSpan: Developmental Psychology, ...
Stages on life's way: Adolescents' implicit theories on the life course. Journal of Adolescent Research, 7, ... Growing up and Going out. ... Looking Forward through the Lifespan: Developmental Psychology 3rd edition.