"Based on ethnographic fieldwork, interviews, and historical research, Deeply Rooted in the Present illustrates the processes that contribute to making cultural identity, and the ways in which memories, knowledge, and experience are made into heritage. Using a quilombola community (descendants of enslaved Africans) in Northeast Brazil as a case study, Kenny asks what it means to be a quilombola in the 21st century. In the process, she demonstrates how heritage and identity do not simply exist, but are continually being made and remade according to the social, cultural and political needs of the present. The book includes an appendix of supplementary exercises that encourage readers to make connections between the case study at hand, their own heritage, and heritage making efforts in other parts of the world."--
Bea Stimpson, Alan Coulson, Jess Harris. Text IB Alan Coulson and Jess Harris 2001 Original ... Published in 2001 by: Nelson Thornes Ltd Delta Place 27 Bath Road CHELTENHAM GL53 7TH United Kingdom 01 02 03 04 05 / 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ...
This 1876 version of Josiah Henson's autobiography, the first of many editions issued by British editor John Lobb, followed the original 1849 edition and a much-expanded 1858 version.
Twenty-two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman [microform]: Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President of Wilberforce...
Rendez-vous avec l'heure qui blesse, c'est le destin historique d'un homme simple, plein de tendresse et de compassion, d'un homme devenu un héros national; c'est le destin d'un homme emblématique de la condition humaine qui a inspiré ce ...
This brings us to Richard F. Burton of Arabian Nights fame, who, writing in 1864, more than a century and a quarter after the event, thus details the debacle of the over-trustful devotees of the serpent-god at Whydah.
+ Garvey , a politician and black nationalist who has had much influence on Jamaican society , politics and popular culture , when at an address to a Jamaican congress in 1929 he said , ' Look to Africa , when a black king shall be ...
Africa Beyond Africa: African Influence Abroad
"The View from Chocó: The Afro-Colombian past, their lives in the present, and their hopes for the future" is an introduction to the lives of Blacks in Colombia.
Poems and stories deal with the emotional and material interdependence of women, mother figures, and contemporary social and political issues
Determinants of the Progress of Black Workers in the Work Situation: An Exploratory Study of a Theoretical Model