Until the global financial crisis, China was thought to be decades away from overtaking the United States as the world’s largest economy. But while the US skirted economic stagnation, China was able to successfully navigate the crisis, and its growth continues to accelerate. Has the time arrived to re-evaluate our assumptions about the current world order? Will China openly contest the United States’ status, unchallenged since the Second World War, as a world leader? Will conflict be inevitable, or would its costs be unthinkable in a globalized world economy? Partners and Rivals, the latest book from acclaimed economist Wendy Dobson, examines the central role that China and the United States will play on the global stage in the next half-century. Dobson provides a balanced and accessibly written understanding of China’s domestic challenges, as well as an analysis of both the United States and China’s goals on the world stage. Demonstrating why neither power will be able to dominate the other, the book emphasizes that they will need to cooperate and work together in the coming decades because of their deep economic interdependence.
Ultimately, Partners or Rivals? provides a timely account of contemporary race relations and the prospects for interracial and interethnic cooperation, pinpointing the sometimes surprising factors that have a realistic chance of improving ...
Charles A. Kupchan , La fine dell'era americana . Politica estera americana e geopolitica nel ventunesimo secolo ( 2003 ) 4. Francesco Bestagno , Diritti umani e impunità . Obblighi positivi degli Stati in materia penale ( 2003 ) 5.
Now renowned chronicler Gillian Gill turns this familiar story on its head, revealing a strong, feisty queen and a brilliant, fragile prince working together to build a family based on support, trust, and fidelity, qualities neither had ...
The New Europe and the United States: Partners Or Rivals
... Fabrizio Tassinari, Marius Vahl and the European Round Table of Industrialists (2006) The Elephant and the Bear Try Again: Options for a New Agreement Between the EU and Russia. Brussels: CEPS. Energy Information Administration ...
The Nation and the States, Rivals Or Partners?
In a time of increasing privatization of public services, can we ensure that profit doesn't outweigh the public good? Nowadays for-profit companies manage everything from education to criminal justice. It's...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Public Relations, Werbung, Marketing, Social Media, Note: 1,3, Universität Leipzig (KMW), Veranstaltung: Seminar "PR in Deutschland", Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: PR ...
Going beyond the received wisdom of the "China miracle" and "Taiwan factor," Wu Jieh-min's award-winning Rival Partners shows how Taiwan benefits from partnering with its political archrival and helps to cultivate a global economic ...
Men and Women: Partners Or Rivals?