As I walked into the operating theatre, the sight that met my eyes made me catch my breath. The patient was lying face down on the operating table. The only part of him that was not covered in sterile, green drapes was his bottom. The surgeon had made a circular cut about the size of a dinner plate and the area inside the cut was a mass of warts and red, nodular lumps. And so begins Gloria Burley's compelling view of our hospital system. A nurse with experience in urban and Outback hospitals, Gloria tells it as she saw it: the dedication of medical professionals doing their best for their patients but also the limitations of people who are after all only human. Her story will ring true anywhere the pressures are high and the resources scarce. We all end up in hospital sooner or later, and myths about what we can expect abound, which accounts for the popularity of medical TV shows. Reading this book will show you what really happens after the anaesthetist turns up the gas...
A brief but engaging history of medicine covers the field in lively fashion, from ancient Indian healing practices that combined diet and meditation to modern pharmaceuticals such as Viagra. Reprint. 10,000 first printing.
Discusses the elements of the human body. Includes suggestions for related experiments and projects.
In Blood and Guts, Sam Vincent provides an objective eyewitness account of the whale wars.
Blood and Guts: The Ultimate Approach to Building Maximum Muscle Mass
This is popular science writing at it's best.
... in the reception area with five of his skinhead mates. Cass went up, tapped the guy on the shoulder and threw a pint of Jack Daniels and Coke right in his face. The two of them angrily squared up to each other, until our tour manager,
Blood & Guts: A Reflection
Gruesome and glam, vicious and violent, this collection of the best new neo-noir fiction will hit you like a biker boot to the skull.
A masterpiece of surrealist fiction, steeped in controversy upon its first publication in 1984, Blood and Guts in High School is the book that established Kathy Acker as the preeminent voice of post-punk feminism.
Blood and Guts is Going Nuts