Hockey camp teaches Nugget and his friends some important lessons about good sportsmanship. Nugget McDonald has been looking forward to his first Christmas Break Hockey Camp for months. And now that school's finally out, he's ready to spend a solid week learning from a pro -- Danny Holbrook of the Vancouver Canucks! But because Mom was late signing him up, instead of working with his NHL hero, and most of his pals from the Cougars, Nugget will be training on another team. The good news: the coach is a two-time Olympic gold medalist. The bad news: Coach won her medals in women's hockey. Nugget can't believe that his team, with a female coach, could possibly beat Danny Holbrook's team in the game at the end of the week. But with Coach Katie Gunnar at the helm, Nugget and his friends are headed for a big attitude adjustment.
Caleb Maddix is a 16 year old entrepreneur, author, keynote speaker, and social media influencer. Maddix is a self made millionaire and has impacted millions of people in the process.
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Well , they just didn't have the right x - ray machine , ” I lie . “ This new guy is probably better , gonna work out just fine . ” The new guy does . The office is small , much too cramped for a wheelchair , so I position Michael in ...
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Beautiful Attitudes: Living Out the Christian Manifesto
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One of the greatest traits of the British is the ability to blame everyone else for the problems of the world, and for our own.
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