With over 200,000 copies sold and now revised and redesigned, the "Mother of All" books are the manuals for those looking for real-world advice to help them during all the stages of pregnancy, from conception to birth to your baby's first year and everything that can happen throughout! Ann Douglas addresses the concerns that all parents have, including timely reassurance from moms who have been there about the worries that may be keeping you up at night the inside scoop on what labour is really like, plus tips on planning for the birth you want the lowdown on your baby's development milestones proven advice on coping with colic, diaper rash, nursing strikes and other common first-year challenges
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The Well Pregnancy Book
Gracefully written, down-to-earth, and completely accessible, this new edition of The Well Baby Book will be an indispensable guide to baby care from conception to age four for yet another generation of parents.
Written by six health professionals who are moms themselves, My Pregnancy brings expertise, compassion, and information to curious — and often overwhelmed — moms to be.
... James A. , 186 PC muscle , see Kegel exercises Pearse , Warren , 105 Pearson , Jack , 54 Pediatricians , 248-69 areas ... 245–46 Phillips , Celeste E. , 12–13 , 209 PHiso Hex , 260 Phototherapy , see Jaundice , neonatal phototherapy ...
We would also like to thank the following : Bernice Cahill of the Equal Opportunities Commission ; Hester Cherneff ; Janet Cohen of the Swiss Cottage Citizens Advice Bureau ; Lynn Durward of the Maternity Alliance ; Victoria Huxley ...
Information for prospective parents in dictionary format.
Getting Organized for Your New Baby
The book includes chapters on: *Pregnancy: The Pleasure and the Challenge *Getting Ready *The Moment of Conception *The First Days *The Early Weeks *The Middle Months *Planning for Birth *Giving Birth *You and Your Baby *Becoming a Mother
The Complete Handbook of Pregnancy: A Step-by-step Guide from Preconception to the First Weeks Following Birth