The idea of light and darkness is one of the central ideas of the Symbolist movement, since this is a movement of contrasts. It encompasses the major themes of Symbolism, such as good and evil, beauty and ugliness, the visible and the invisible, and the divine and the earthly. This volume brings together a range of studies in order to understand the notion of light and darkness and a variety of its Symbolist interpretations. It also stresses the interdisciplinary nature of the concepts of light and darkness in Symbolism, as well as the cohabitation and symbiosis of both, which are together or separately at the core of this movement.
This book is an attempt to clear up confusion in some and enlighten others of what masonry never intended for them to know in the blue lodge.
Everything anyone has ever been or will ever be, he is now. This is a truth often overlooked in man's search for understanding. He forgets God was all there was, and therefore all there is now or will ever be.
Photographic reproduction of the 1920 edition of this work.
He is the mediator in a more formal sense ( by his sacrificial death ) and is also Jehovah's regent . BOTTING and G. N. A. BOTTING , The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses ( Toronto , 1984 ) • A. Holden , Jehovah's Witnesses ...
Symbols: Guiding Lights Along the Journey of Life
It is no coincidence that there are nine stars used here, because there were exactly nine Freemasons that signed the Declaration of Independence. The symbols of the USA came into being through the cooperation and efforts of those early ...
Surveys the history of the mosque lamp and its numerous variants and the deep significance of light and the lamp in religion.
"Modern Gauguin studies—complex interpretations of the works based on the identification of the artist's sources in ancient sacred art from around the world—began in the early 1950s with the pioneering research of Bernard Dorival and ...
This book is a continuation of the "Symbolism & Allegories in Masonry" book and it is my humble attempt to lift the veil from my speculative brothers.
This might well serve as the motto for the action theory of Ernest Boesch, who is one of several prominent psychologists out of harmony with the prevailing ethos.