"the thoroughness of the text has to be admired. It is an excellent starting point for students of palliative care which makes an important contribution to any library."-British Journal of Hospital Medicine" covers a plethora of topics ranging from the development of palliative medicine in different countries to clinical topics and bioethics an
Textbook of Palliative Medicine provides an alternative, truly international approach to this rapidly growing specialty.
A case for inclusion of prolonged grief disorder in DSM-V. In: Stroebe MS, Hansson RO, Schut H, et al., eds. ... Kent H, McDowell J. Sudden bereavement in acute care settings. Nurs Stand. 2004;19(6):38-42. 27. Chiambretto P, Moroni L, ...
Emphasising the multi-disciplinary nature of palliative care the fourth edition of this text also looks at the individual professional roles that contribute to the best-quality palliative care.
The Oxford American Handbook of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and Supportive Care is an easily-navigable source of information about the day-to-day management of patients requiring palliative and hospice care.
This book will equip care professionals with key concepts related to the assessment and management of palliative care, making it an ideal point-of-care quick reference material for physicians, nurse practitioners, fellows, residents, and ...
... “clarifying patients' concerns and beliefs; communicating treatment options; increasing providers' empathy; and patients' perception of providers' attentiveness to them and their concerns as well as their diseases progresses.” (p.
Fabian CJ,Molina R, SlavikM,DahlbergS, Giri S,Stephens R.Pyridoxine therapy for palmarplantar erythrodysesthesia continuous 5 fluorouracil associated with infusion. InvestNew Drugs. 1990;8(1):5763. 26. Lorusso D,Di Stefano A,CaroneV ...
Cunningham. BACKGROUND. AND. SIGNIFICANCE. With continued advances in strategies to detect cancer early and treat it effectively along with the aging of the population, the number of individuals living years beyond a cancer diagnosis ...
Davis, Feyer, Ortner, and Zimmermann, is your practical guide to improving your patients‘ quality of life and overall outcomes by integrating palliative care principles into the scope of clinical oncologic practice at all points along ...
Written by internationally known psychiatry and palliative care experts, the Handbook of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine is an essential reference for all providers of palliative care, including psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health ...