Mastering Public Health: A Postgraduate Guide to Examinations and Revalidation, Second Edition is an essential study aid for all those preparing for postgraduate, masters, and higher examinations in public health. Now updated and revised for the second edition, the book continues to provide all postgraduate students taking higher public health examinations with a proven, successful core revision text. The book covers the five key areas of public health knowledge: research methods; disease prevention and health promotion; health information; sociology, policy, and health economics; and organisation and management of health care. It is structured to follow the entire MFPH Part A exam syllabus, with appendices on revision strategies, exam technique and essay frameworks. Written in conjunction with an international team of editors, the book is aimed at public health practitioners who are training or re-validating in the UK and worldwide. Its concise format also serves as a quick reference text for the specialty.
The book incorporates theory, skills, tips, and examples that illustrate communication skills, listening skills, information assimilation, and how to make appropriat
Triumph, tragedy, frustration, and elation await those who set off on careers in public health, and Ten Lessons in Public Health is destined to become a classic book that puts the field into perspective.
Mastering Medical Terminology: Australia and New Zealand 2e is the essential resource for Australian and New Zealand health students seeking to develop their medical vocabulary.
In an engaging and accessible style, Mastering Public Relations takes a strategic management approach to providing a broader and deeper understanding through a well balanced interpretation of theory and practice.
With the new edition, the authors will be adding mini-chapters that link contemporary scholars and their research to the seminal literature.
An adaptation of Mastering Public Speaking 7e, this handbook provides students and instructors with a 2-color book in a reference format, enabling students to access information easily and efficiently.
In this book you will learn: • The 2 best ways to build fitness fast without destroying your body Underground training tactics for maximizing workout efficiency • The best biohacks for enhancing mental performance and entering the zone ...
But in this revolutionary book, Cyrus Khambatta, PhD, and Robby Barbaro, MPH, rely on a century of research to show that advice is misguided.
As the first volume in the American Medical Association’s MedEd Innovation Series, The Master Adaptive Learner is an instructor-focused guide covering models for how to train and teach future clinicians who need to develop these adaptive ...
In 2010, award-winning journalist John Bowe learned that his cousin Bill, a longtime extreme recluse living in his parents’ basement, had, at the age of fifty-nine, overcome a lifetime of shyness and isolation—and gotten happily married ...